Father, thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness that endures forever. May my faith in You be unwavering, knowing that You are good and Your mercy is everlasting. In Jesus' name, amen.
– Psalms 100:5
Father, thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness that endures forever. May my faith in You be unwavering, knowing that You are good and Your mercy is everlasting. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, thank You for Your inspired Word, the Scriptures, that equip me for every good work. Help me to diligently study and apply them, finding wisdom, correction, and instruction for my life. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, heal me and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are the one I praise. Restore my strength and give me Your divine healing touch. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, teach me Your ways and guide me in Your truth. Teach my heart to fear Your name, that I may walk in Your path always. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, help me to use my words to build up and not tear down, to inspire and not discourage. Let them be a source of life and blessing to others, reflecting Your truth and grace. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, I seek Your guidance and strength to overcome fear. Let me call upon Your name, and may You deliver me from all my fears, just as Your Word promises. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, thank You for Your inspired Word, the Bible, which teaches us, corrects us, and trains us in righteousness. May I always seek guidance and wisdom from its pages. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, You are close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit. Bring comfort and healing to my struggle with depression and fill me with Your peace and joy. In Jesus' name, amen.